
Noteplan 2.0
Noteplan 2.0

noteplan 2.0

The next 3 weeks are tapering and recovery. Week 9 is the peak for loads in deadlifts and squats (95-100%). Deficit DEADLIFT is replaced by BLOCK DEADLIFT– working on a shorter amplitude lets lifting heavier weights and prepare the athlete for new results.Ĭompetition period (week 9-12): the main task of this period is the athlete's preparation for new results. Intensity of work will be increased greatly. Special preparation period (week 5-8): 5 training sessions per week (3 main and 2 reloading-recovery) are planned. The main load will be in the basic exercises such as DEADLIFT, Deficit DEADLIFT, Front SQUATS and Back SQUATS. General preparation period (week 1-4): 5 training sessions per week are planned (3 basic and 2 reloading-recovery). The 12-week training cycle can be divided into 3 periods: Since the intensity in these exercises is low, they will not reduce the efficiency of training in DEADLIFT, but warm up the muscles, train the muscle memory and help to work out single technical elements. It includes a sufficient amount of accessory exercises for SNATCH and CLEAN&JERK, and one day for SNATCH and CLEAN&JERK are planned. This program is good for athletes who want to improve strength in DEADLIFT (develop the strength of their back and legs muscles). This program is perfect for weightlifters and strength athletes in the off-season, as it will provide a powerful and fundamental basis for subsequent progression. DEADLIFT CYCLE program suits well athletes who want to improve strength in DEADLIFT (develop the strength of their back and legs muscles). The program consists of 12 weeks and includes various DEADLIFTs and assistance DEADLIFT exercises.


*For personal use only PROGRAM SUMMARY Duration 12 weeks (60 workouts) For (level) Intermediate and Advanced In addition Detailed description of each training period Format PDF Language ENG

  • Athletes who want to increase explosive strength and develop Olympic weightlifting technique.
  • Intermediate and advanced weightlifters.
  • Plenty of single high-intensity reps in SNATCH and CLEAN&JERK together with gradually reduced volume in other special exercises helps to bring the athlete to their peak for competition day. COMPETITION PERIOD The main task here is to maintain and improve the level of special preparedness. More attention is paid to working out the competition technique. The training program is focused on the development of power-speed skills, coordination, and special endurance, building on the foundation created during the previous period. SPECIAL PREPARATION PERIOD This period is intended to provide a high level of preparedness for competition activity by increasing the amount of special preparatory and competition exercises. PREPARATION PERIODS GENERAL PREPARATION PERIOD The main objectives are improving the general and supporting physical development of athletes, increasing the functional systems’ capacity, various technique drills, and working out the elements and phases of competition exercises. Certain goals and tasks are set for each period in order to bring the athlete up to the peak of their preparedness for the competition, step-by-step.


    This program is designed for a full comprehensive preparation for Olympic weightlifting competitions. The 12-week training program consists of 3 mesocycles (4 weeks each). NOTE: plan 7-10 recovery days between the training programs Full description of each program: Goal: long-term strength and explosive training. Goal: strength, muscle gain and result increasing. Option #3 – Preparation for the competition. Goal: Legs or deadlift strength and result increasing. Option #2 – Preparation for the competition. Option #1 – Preparation for the competition.


    Some options for how to combine these programs: Full preparation for competitions with reaching the peak at the right time. Strength cycles for the legs and back muscles improvement Programming of auxiliary exercises to improve positioning 42 weeks of programming done by Oleksiy Torokhtiy

    Noteplan 2.0